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Three Truth Posts & Two Accounts Blitzed at Poal in One Day

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  • Three Truth Posts & Two Accounts Blitzed at Poal in One Day

    First I was unable to log onto the account I have been using since the last round of banning, so I made another that went to ground after these three posts .. the original text in the image.

    "They" are still flogging the bs that some sorta homegrown drug "Kingpins" are behind the cocaine epidemic, while everyone knows the CIA controls the drug trade.

    The whole John Dean file leads directly to CIA involvement with the John Kennedy assassination, thru E Howard Hunt who had an office in the Nixon WH.

    How will ppl know all about Mossad Superspy Australian Jew Ari Ben Menashi aka Joe Vialls aka Alfred Lambremont Webre, if we are gonna keep getting banned.