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Ramses II Elongated Head Statue Found in Cairo, Supports Martian Colonists Theory

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  • Ramses II Elongated Head Statue Found in Cairo, Supports Martian Colonists Theory

    Massive Ancient Statue Discovered Submerged in Mud in Cairo.

    Egyptian Queen Neferneferuaten Nefertiti 1370 - 1330 BC, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten whose name means "the beautiful one," who ruled Egypt after her husband and half brother's death who attended to affairs of state in the nude, was possessed of an elongated head a genetic trait she passed on to her six daughters, and which appears to have characterized the Egyptian ruling class during the Pharonic era. The Ankh symbol similarly associated with the rulers of ancient Egypt, is a pictographic representation of the human form with the same enlarged head.

    Shots returned by the NASA Mars Rovers show an abundance of skulls on the Martian plain, some are virtually identical to modern human skulls, others have triangular eye sockets. While others including a crowned figure photographed by the Spirit Rover have elongated skulls, all of which including this latest find supports the conclusion space travel between the Earth and Mars took place, that a space faring race seeded both planets! Link.