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The Destroyed Stone Head of Guatemala - European Features

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  • The Destroyed Stone Head of Guatemala - European Features

    Some time said to be during the 1930's, a gigantic stone head was uncovered 10 kilometers from a small village in La Democracia in the south of Guatemala, the face demonstrated Caucasian features which were not consistent with any of the pre Hispanic races of America. Dr Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara PhD received a photograph of the head in 1987. He journeyed to the site and was told "it was destroyed by revolutionaries about ten years ago & used as target practice by anti Government rebels.

    The eyes, nose and mouth were completely gone. The monument, according to an accompanying letter by archaeologist Hector E. Mejia, dates back to between 3500 and 5000 BC, "I certify that this monument presents no characteristics of Maya, Nahuatl, Olmec or any other pre Hispanic civilization," he wrote. According to Meija, "the creative style is not consistent with the civilizations that inhabited the southern coast of Guatemala prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, it is indisputably pre Olmec and pre Maya."

    The region where the stone head was reported to have been found, La Democracia, is actually already famous for stone heads which, like the stone head found in the jungle also face skyward.

    Over 200,000 Guatemalans were killed or forcibly disappeared in the Guatemala Civil War 1960-1996, suppose the same forces that financed the conflict were not happy with there being evidence of Europeans in the region in the relevant time period. That it was they who were responsible for the destruction, like they are responsible for destruction carried out across the Middle East under the auspices of ISIS, which as we know in just one head on the Mossad / CIA hydra.

    There should be massive quarries visible on Google Earth within the ancient Maya sphere in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize and the Yucatan .. all I could find were a few marble quarries in Guatemala that do not appear to date from antiquity. Given the vast quantities of stone used to construct the Mayan metropolises the paths to the quarries should be deep and wide.

    As well they would have been paved which means they should still be traceable, as per the Inca Roads which many say were made not by the Incas themselves but by the vastly more ancient Megalith Builders. The Incas the Mayans and the Aztecs used vast amounts of cement mortar to bind their constructions together, we know that in building construction the ratio of cement mortar to bricks by volume ranges from about 12% to about 21%.

    As well we know the process by which gypsum, limestone, sand and clay is made into cement is a major industrial enterprise, that requires extremely high temperatures for a considerable period of time. I have seen no kilns anywhere in any of the New World sites at all, nor any of the lasting scars on the landscape that cement production to the tune of tens of thousands of tonnes necessarily makes.

    A Mayan pyramid in Belize which dates back at least 2,300 years was recently torn apart to make road fill, destruction that is an "endemic problem" in that land, which has led to the destruction of numerous other sites in the Nohmul complex. Despite the vandalism which in any case attests to the shortage of stone suitable for road construction in that region.

    The exposed center of the structure reveals it is composed entirely of fired bricks, which require an enormous investment in labor and material to produce .. no brick kilns which like cement plants leave a lasting legacy on the landscape are to be seen, while the absence of local stone means such stone as was used must have been transported over considerable distances, all of which lends itself to the conclusion there were other [alien] forces at play.
    The ancient structure was part of the Nohmul complex in northern Belize.

  • #2
    Israel’s Role in Guatemala’s Dirty War Exposed, Proxy for US .. From the 1980s to today, Israel’s extensive military role in Guatemala remains an open secret that is well documented but receives scant criticism.

    Discussing the military coup which installed him as president in 1982, Ríos Montt an ABC News reporter that his regime takeover went so smoothly “because many of our soldiers were trained by Israelis.” In Israel, the press reported 300 Israeli advisers were on the ground training Ríos Montt’s soldiers. One Israeli adviser in Guatemala at the time, Lieutenant Colonel Amatzia Shuali, said: “I don’t care what the Gentiles do with the arms. The main thing is that the Jews profit,” as recounted in Dangerous Liaison by Andrew and Leslie Cockburn.

    Some years earlier, when Congressional restrictions under the Carter administration limited US military aid to Guatemala due to human rights violations, Israeli economic and military technology leaders saw a golden opportunity to enter the market. Yaakov Meridor, then an Israeli minister of economy, indicated in the early 1980s that Israel wished to be a proxy for the US in countries where it had decided not to openly sell weapons.

    Meridor said, “we will say to the Americans: Don’t compete with us in Taiwan; don’t compete with us in South Africa; don’t compete with us in the Caribbean or in other places where you cannot sell arms directly. Let us do it … Israel will be your intermediary.” The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather program attempted to explain the source of Israel’s global expertise by noting in 1983 that the advanced weaponry and methods Israel peddled in Guatemala had been successfully “tried and tested on the West Bank and Gaza, designed simply to beat the guerrilla.”

    Israel’s selling points for its weapons relied not only on their use in the occupied West Bank and Gaza but also in the wider region. Journalist George Black reported that Guatemalan military circles admired the Israeli army’s performance during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. Their overseas admiration was so unabashed that rightists in Guatemala “spoke openly of the ‘Palestinianization’ of the nation’s rebellious Mayan Indians,” according to Black. Military cooperation between Israel and Guatemala has been traced back to the 1960s.

    By the time of Ríos Montt’s rule, Israel had become Guatemala’s main provider of weapons, military training, surveillance technology and other vital assistance in the state’s war on urban leftists and rural indigenous Mayans. In turn, many Guatemalans suffered the results of this special relationship and have connected Israel to their national tragedy.

    As soon as I heard the Stone Head had been destroyed I thought Jews.

