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VP Joe Biden - 911 Plotter Extraordinaire

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  • VP Joe Biden - 911 Plotter Extraordinaire

    September 10, 2001 speech to Nat'l Press Club - chilling - Democratic Underground

    Joe Biden - National Press Conference September 10 2001 .. "I know everyone's attention span is very short right now with the Iowa Caucuses right around the corner, but if you clicked on this thread, please read the entire post and let it really sink in."

    These are the words of a man who really knows and understands the world we live in. I don't have a link - I typed it the old fashioned way, but I thought it was really worth reading and digesting. I can't even imagine the way he felt the next day.

    At the end of the Cold War, when the wall came down, we found ourselves on the brink of extraordinary changes. From that day on, we inherited a profound obligation of leadership, and an an even more profound obligation of leadership,

    And an even more profound obligation to get it right in the Middle East, in the Balkans, in Europe, and in Asia, in our hemispheres, in our commitments, our treaties, and in our defense policy missile or otherwise.

    Now, the spotlight remains on us and is brighter than ever. We're at a pivotal moment when American values and principles have taken center stage like no other time in our history and in the global theater. How we perform on that stage is as much about our honor, our decency, our pride as it is about strategic policy.

    So before we start raising the starting gun that will begin a new arms race in the world, before we dip into the Social Security trust fund to satisfy the administration's almost theological allegiance to missile defense, at the expense of more earth-bound military and international treaties.

    Before we watch China build up its nuclear arsenal and see an arms race in Asia and in the subcontinent, before we squander the best opportunity we've had in a generation to modernize our conventional nuclear forces, let's look at the real threats we face at home and abroad.

    Lets reengage and rethink and meet our obligations with a strength and resolve that befits our place in the new world.....I don't think our national interests can be further, let alone, achieved in splendid indifference to the rest of the world's views of our policies. Our interests are furthered when we meet our international obligations and we keep our treaties.

    We can't forget or simply disregard the responsibilities that flow from our ideals. Are we a nation of our word or not? Do we keep our treaties or don't we? Are we willing to lead the hard way, because leadership isn't easy and requires us convincing others? Diplomacy isn't easy. Multilateral policay initiatives aren't easy.

    Or are we willing to end four decades of arms control agreements and go it alone-a kind of bully nation, sometimes a little wrong-headed but ready to make unilateral decisions in what we perceive to be our self-interest, and to hell with our treaties, our commitments, and the world?

    Even the Joint Chiefs of Staff say that a strategic nuclear attack is less likely than a regional conflict a major theater of war, terrorist attacks at home or abroad, or any other number of real issues.[INDENT]We have diverted all that money to address the least likely threat, while the real threat comes to this country in the hold of ship, the belly of a plane, or smuggled into a city in the middle of the night in a vial in a backpack."YouTub e - FABLED ENEMIES - Teaser #1 - Sen. Joe Biden.

    Biden Admits Post 9/11 Meeting With Hijacker's Financier

    Biden Admits Post-9/11 Meeting With Hijacker's Financier

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet, June 5, 2007

    Presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden admitted meeting with the chief financier of the 9/11 hijackers in the days after September 11 after being confronted by We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski in the press room following Sunday's Democratic debate in New Hampshire.

    According to the FBI and as confirmed by various news reports at the time, Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad instructed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the alleged assassin of Daniel Pearl, to wire $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001.

    Arriving exactly one week before 9/11, the general met with Pentagon, White House National Security Council and CIA officials, including George Tenet and Marc Grossman, then U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

    On the very morning of 9/11, Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.

    Two days after the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon, on September 13th, Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, met with the ISI chief. No adequate explanation has been forthcoming as to why top government and intelligence officials were meeting with the money man behind the alleged hijackers before and after 9/11.

    Shortly after the Democratic debate had finished on Sunday, Prison Planet reporter Rudkowski was able to get access to the CNN spin room and confront presidential candidate Biden about his 9/11 meeting with the Pakistani General.

    Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad

    We asked him the question - what was he doing with the head of the Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad, said Rudkowski, he told me - he admitted that he met with him - he met with the head of the Pakistani ISI - he said I told them not to do it, I told them not to wire the money - I told them to stop supporting the Taliban, which shows he had foreknowledge of them supporting him."

    "I told him - sir, he funded the hijackers, you did business with him, you let him go - he's free," said Rudkowski, to which Biden responded, "Get a life kid," after which Rudkowski was pushed away by Biden's security staff.

    Biden's comments demand immediate explanation and an investigation into why Mohammed Atta's chief financier was allowed to leave the United States without even being questioned by authorities after having met with top Bush administration and other public officials.

    A Few Questions For Joe Biden That Should Be Answered, Preferably Under Oath |

    The following questions were submitted to the 9/11 Commission by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee.

    Why did Mahmood Ahmed, Director of Pakistan's secret service, the (ISI) order Saeed Sheikh to wire $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta?

    * What was Mahmood Ahmed's relationship with Al Qaeda?

    * Where did the money come from?

    * Did officials in Pakistan know in advance about the terrorist attack?

    * On September 11 th , Mahmood Ahmed had a breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., with House and Senate Intelligence Committee chairmen, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham. What were they discussing?

    The 9/11 Commission also presumably heard about Lt. Gen. Ahmed from FBI Whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds during her 3 1/2 hours of testimony. At the insistence of the families. They may have also heard of Lt. Gen. Ahmed during a meeting with the Pakistani ISI.

    The 9/11 Commission did not answer the families' question, and did not mention Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed in their report even though they were mandated to give a "full and complete accounting" of the 9/11 attacks.

    Why did you meet with an alleged paymaster of 9/11, and alleged participant in the nuclear black market after the 9/11 attacks?

    Were you aware of his alleged activities? If you weren't aware of these activities at the time of your meeting, did you hear of them afterwards? Did you make any effort to expose them? If so, who did you inform of your intention to expose these activities?

    Will you support an entirely new investigation into the 9/11 attacks? ..These questions, and many more should be answered by Barack Obama's Vice Presidential running mate.